German Pride Month - Oktoberfest Outrage!

So it's that time of year again.  All those people who choose to adopt the "German Lifestyle" come out of the woodwork and parade their "German-ness" around town.  Personally, I don't have a problem with a person who chooses to be German, but do they have to have a festival to rub it in our faces?  I mean, seriously, we don't get to have a non-german pride festival.  Last time I looked, we live in America and we only welcome Americans here!

Germans must be degenerate anyway.  First they can't spell "oKtober" properly; then they hold their October festival in September. German-ness is unsafe as well.  Adopting the German Lifestyle often leads to alcoholism, heart disease, dancing like chickens, and the desire to commit genocide.  Is this the type of people we want our children to see on the streets?   Keep your German behavior where it belongs, in your beer halls and in the privacy of your own homes.  We don't need to see it!

Honestly, no one really is born German anyway; it's a choice they make.  After all god created Adam and Eve, not Helmut and Helga.  They could just as easily choose to not be German and reject the love of sausages and wild drunken parties.


Unknown said...

We're Here!!!
We Drink Beer!!!
Get Used To It!!!

Unknown said...

(acutally, I'm not German. I was just expressing my solidarity)

Sweetriver said...

is that sarcasm? I can't tell. Germans are awesome. Oktoberfest is even better.
Who complains about people eating and drinking?

dieterschmied said...

Glauben Sie, dass Sie lustig sind?

Haben Sie Verwandte in Deutschland?

Wissen Sie, dass wir England betrieben während der sehr guten Zeiten. Und wenn England von den Engländern verwaltet wurde, fühlen sich England auf harte Zeiten.

Sie müssen Respekt vor den Deutschen.

grif said...

Verzeihen Sie mir meine schlechte Übersetzung und vergib ihnen, denn ihre schlechte Laune. Ich habe deutsche Vorfahren und das Oktoberfest ist eine Quelle des Stolzes für mich. Meine Vorfahren kamen aus Darmstadt in die USA im Jahr 1890. Wir glauben, dass jeder seine eigene Meinung haben, egal wie lächerlich es ist!

jk said...

Haben sie Satire in Deutschland?

dieterschmied said...

Meine Vorfahren kamen aus Hannover Reich in die USA im Jahr 1836 und aus Urspringen im Jahr 1850.


dieterschmied said...

Satire in Deutscheland?
