Pictures of Bush and DeWine Found on the Web

Despite Senator DeWine's two-foot pole rule with President Bush, Democratic sleuths found pictures of Bush and Dewine at DeWine's one million dollar fundraising event in Indian Hill on February 23rd.

The Democratic sleuths found a Web site that features rare, never-before-seen photos of the likes of Sens. Mike DeWine (R-Ohio), among others looking happy to have Bush and Cheney campaigning for them. Photos of the event that were taken privately were posted on the Reflections Web site.

You could see that DeWine was taking the “safety first” route, standing a good foot or two away from the president in each picture. Still, there they were, together, in a photo-op DeWine never wanted. Not so mysteriously, after the researchers called Reflections to inquire about photos from the Feb. 23 event, the photos suddenly became password-protected.

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