Change Your Life In 2006!

If you want to make 2006 a memorable year, you need to pick up a copy of the book titled, "This Book Will Change Your Life". The book is filled with daily tasks that will guarantee to make each day one to remember.

For 365 days, you are instructed to complete a task and record the results. Some of the daily tasks are more difficult than others, some examples are:

Day 17: Eat nothing but asparagus all day long to ascertain just how noxious your pee can get.
Day 28: Choose your final meal on death row and make it.
Day 34: Write to a dictator to stop torture (I wonder if W. counts?)
Day 181: Write to your city asking that your street be renamed after you.
Day 213: Stage a crime in front of a back-alley security camera and see if anyone comes to the rescue.
Day 303: Report A UFO sighting.

I have not completed the exercises (call me unimaginative and lazy) but, maybe this is the year.

More details about this book and the latest version are available on the Benrik website.

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